I. OLV Oktoberfest Picnic Volunteer Sign Up
(Sunday, 6 October 2024, starting at 12:00 PM, Church Campus)
Please provide the requested info and indicate (via an “X”) what you want to bring, the name of your side dish if not listed and/or the name of your dessert.
Bring food items to the Parish Hall (Starting at 9:00) the day of the Picnic
Can bring baked beans in Crock Pots but not necessary
Label any utensils, plates, cookware, etc., with your name
Please provide a 3 X 5 card of spices (example: dairy, nuts, shell fish, etc) used for baked beans, potato salad, pasta salads, salads or any other side dish
II. OLV Picnic Logistics/Activity Volunteer Sign Up
(Sunday, October 6, 2024, starting at 12:00, Church Campus)
Please go to the Parish Hall after arriving at the Picnic to receive instructions and times for your volunteer activity. Look for the “Activity Table” setup for volunteers.
Point of Contact: Richard Gaydos | Cell: 850-634-9847 | [email protected]
III. OLV Picnic Head Count Sign Up
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